Psychological Safety Training

+1 778 235 2990

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SAFE 2B Program

Psychological Safety Training for Workplaces

Our SAFE 2B App trains your entire workforce to address problematic attitudes and behaviours before harm and damage can occur.

Get ahead of issues related to DEI, Mental Health, Psychological Safety and Conflict, rather than mopping up the messes.

How Is Psychological Safety Related to Fight, Flight & Freeze?

in the absence of Psychological Safety:

Any exposure to sarcasm, blaming, shaming, criticism, dishonesty, aggression, bullying, discrimination or harassment can trigger an Amygdala Hijack.

Amygdala Hijack refers to our brain's most impactful response to physical or psychological threats.  When the Amygdala has been hijacked, brain function in the cerebral cortex becomes significantly compromised.

The profound impacts of Amygdala Hijack include:

Loss of reasoning: Substantial reduction in a person's ability to apply reasoning or to anticipate consequences.
Memory becomes corrupted.
Decreased concentration and increased likelihood of accidents.
Domino Effect: Transference of distress to colleagues.
Retaliatory behaviour towards the perceived aggressor.

The effects of Amygdala Hijack ripple through your organization, causing reduced productivity, financial losses, high employee turnover, disengagement, accidents, and mental health challenges.

* When Amygdala Hijack is occurring, it means that a person is in a state of Fight, Flight or Freeze.

They will remain in this state until physical or emotional safety has been restored. As long as they remain in this state, their ability to reason; their ability to accurately construct memory of what is occuring or to accurately remember what has occured remains compromised. They are having difficulty concentrating and are more prone to accidents. They're likely to aggresively transfer their own distress onto others and make take retaliatory action against any perceived source of the emotional or physical threat that they're responding to.

The goal of SAFE 2B is to cultivate environments where Amygdala Hijacking rarely occurs, and on the rare occasions when it does , to ensure that the person who has been triggered, feels safe enough to rapidly return to an emotionally regulated (no-longer-in Fight, Flight or Freeze) state.

app-based training

SAFE 2B Training significantly and permanently transforms the way that employees interact

Shifting Mindsets

Say goodbye to harmful behaviours that erode trust. We guide your team towards empathy, understanding, and constructive collaboration.

Boosting Engagement

Teams that feel psychologically secure are more present, passionate, and productive. Our training creates a space where every member is an active, engaged contributor.

Reducing Costs and Liabilities

By proactively addressing behaviours that cause serious accidents or lead to conflict and harassment, you're not only creating a safer workplace, but also mitigating potential legal risks.


Nurture a culture that not only retains its best people but attracts new talent, eager to be part of a respectful, reputable and progressive workplace.

Elevating Performance

When fear of judgment is lifted, creativity flourishes. We cultivate an environment that brings out the very best of every member of your team.

Tiered Training Approach

The program is delivered to three tiers of participant

Senior Leaders

Senior leaders receive hands-on training and coaching to promote a culture of psychological safety.

Internal Trainers

Internal trainers receive extensive training to model psychologically safe behaviour and deliver online training to the rest of the workforce.

All Employees

All employees receive training through our Safe 2B App to make psychological safety a shared responsibility in the workplace.



It is estimated that the cost of recruiting, hiring, and training a replacement  is equivalent to six months of their salary, plus additional expenses. Retaining one $70,000 employee could save a company $35,000 or more in a year.

Savings from SAFE 2B alone, could significantly offset the cost of providing SAFE 2B Training to every single employee and manager.

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When you need assistance from a neutral, third party to dissolve the conflict between team members, my trauma informed approach to conflict resolution:

Takes you directly to the heart of the conflict;
Contributes to increased self-esteem and self-awareness
Minimises the risks associated with conflict in the future.


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Powerful new insights and tools to address the challenges that remain unresolved once you've exhausted your standard strategies for resolving inter-personal challenges.

Education & Training

SAFE 2B psychological safety training and App, in-person and online workshops, seminars, retreats, lunch-and-learns.

Train the leaders in your organisation and others on your team to:

Identify, and prevent, inter-personal stresses and tensions from becoming an issue;
Address the tensions and inter-personal stresses that have been harming your business or organisation.

Enhanced Individual Coaching

Ask about this specialised program where I work one-to-one with members of your team whose lifestyles reflect a total commitment to achieving their fullest potential, as human beings, and as leaders.

A leader who has completed the daunting process of fully integrating their own, internal conflicts and their shadow becomes capable of leading from a place of compassion, integrity, unconditional acceptance and love.

Let us start helping you today!

Call +1 778 235 2990

Advantages Mediation

Vancouver Island, B.C.

+1 (778) 235-2990

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